JB at JeremyBell . Biz
People Strategy
Position * Support * Build * Unify

I strategize for people, not processes. I formulized the phrase Jesus spoke, ‘From the Abundance of the Heart, Speaks the Mouth’. From this formula I can orderly analyze what is taking place and consider plans for modification and improvement according to the people involved. This is useful whether I serve as a General Manager or in administrative functions.

My Strengths

My skillset and passion: Building strategy, building and improving plans, and meaningful controlling in the management system. I have served as General Manager, Sales Manager, and Customer Service in the service industry and demonstrate servant leadership. My leadership style connects people using cohesive philosophy. My constant question is, how and in what way can I build others up and get them the resources they need to do the same for others?

I am organized and administratively inclined and find that these areas provide meaningful leadership and helpful support. Good strategy requires data collection in a way that can be reviewed meaningfully. There needs to be a system that collects data and can report it and set up so the data is findable and usable.

When I led company strategic planning, I mapped out the strategy and kept track of goals, reported how things are going, and customized dashboards for different stakeholders. I love to personalize tools and information that will help the user get engaged and interested.

My mission, and why I exist: Position, Support, Build, Unify.

My Values

My values: I value most (imperfectly) learning to love God and love others (imperfectly). My desire is to know others and encourage an atmosphere of openness. In any ‘counseling’ situation, my responses to people will include anything from encouragement to rebuke, but my goal is relationship and/or reconciliation for relationship.

I create, innovate, and generate ideas using available data such as text, patterns in numbers, music patterns, demographic studies, and philosophy. In regard to people, I use their feedback to organize ideas. In whatever I do, I want to make a difference with people as a priority, not processes. This happens in all areas of recruiting, unifying, multiplying, developing, and implementing processes for people.

My Personal Toolkit

I primarily use a PC with Microsoft, but often use an Apple Macbook Pro. For project planning I love using Gantt charts. SMART goals keep my activities meaningful, relevant, and growth oriented. Specific software I am good at or have used is Microsoft Office (Especially Excel), Google Docs, ‘R’ Programming, SQL, Salesforce, Zoho, Facebook Business, Google Analytics, MailChimp, Hootsuite, and Music Software related to Podcasting.

These tools have calendars for personal and sharing use. They can be used for meetings, tasks, collaboration, etc. I have also customized dashboards for different stakeholders.

I am small business passionate, church discipleship passionate, the power of people passionate in general. I spent 15 years in the Private Household industry as General Manager with direct accountability for Marketing and as a Sales Manager. I spent 2 years in the truck and storage rental business in 3 managerial roles from Business Development to Customer Service. I have been a musician since 1994 and an amateur Audio Engineer for over 5 years. I started and ran my own recording label, I produced music, I started 2 e-Commerce businesses and 1 Management business. I took a break for 2 years to earn a B.S. in Marketing Management when I earned by degree at the end of 2018. I just finished a Theology Studies Certificate and am looking at degree programs now.

View my resume on LinkedIn for any details you would like to know. Or email me at JB@JeremyBell.biz! I would love to find out how I might be able to help you and find out what you can teach me!