Out of the Abundance…


‘From the Abundance of the Heart, Speaks the Mouth’

Regarding the graphic, ‘Out of Strategy and Leadership, Resources facilitate Activity’. In mathematics it is possible to see all results of the ‘If -Then’ formula. I break it down into 3 resulting areas and I use this formula to perform root cause analysis and to orderly develop strategy process.

This page addresses the Abundance part of the formula, Vision, Mission, and Values. It is the crucial 1st step. The 2nd step will be to get a realistic picture of what the heart looks like and its ideal state. Expression and momentum come from the abundance, or overflowing, of what is filling up the heart. Vision, Mission and Values are the fillers, they are what directs free action. E.g. to see people love more, or listen more, these qualities will be taught regularly, on purpose, and in demonstration by leaders.

Strategy and Leadership

Abundance is what everything flows from and shapes beliefs. Strategy forms and flows out of Vision, Mission, and Values. This can be applied in infinite ways but should always be tailored according to the organization and its’ individuals. Strategy then builds plans with controlling capabilities (in management terms). Leadership requires on purpose actions with purpose. Leaders use ideal actions to help others grow from their current state towards the ideals, within the framework of the Vision, Mission, and Values. Ideally, there always exists a [ mentee — mentor – mentee ] relationship where the mentee is being trained to mentor.

* My Strengths

My skillset and passion: Building strategy with plans and controlling management capabilities. I have served as General Manager, Sales Manager, and Customer Service in the service industry and demonstrate servant leadership. My leadership style connects people using cohesive philosophy. My constant question is, how and in what way can I build others up and get them the resources they need to do the same for others?

My vision: Facilitate and grow the expression of each persons’ unique value true to God’s glory and purpose

My mission, and why I exist: Position, Support, Build, Unify.

My values: I value most (imperfectly) learning to love God and love others (imperfectly). My desire is to know others and encourage an atmosphere of openness. In any ‘counseling’ situation, my responses to people will include anything from encouragement to rebuke, but my goal is relationship and/or reconciliation for relationship.


Vision is the unattainable ideal that is worth striving for but never quite achieving. Visions can exist for any group but are always consistent in connected groups.


The Mission is a more specific and attainable goal that works towards the vision. Here again, many people and many groups may have mission statements, but they should all tie together when existing in the same organization.


Values in general are beliefs and principles. This is an area of potential dissention and discernment as many values are subjective and descriptive in nature. It is easy to make commands and laws of things never intended to be laws or commands. Values are important but often easily abused.

Here, once again, values are personal and can be shared in groups. Any person or group connected through an organization connects values and promotes them without conflict (ideally).

Planning and Controlling, Elements of Management

A good planner looks to its own organization to accomplish goals according to its unique placement. When the Vision, Mission, and Values have been laid out, consider how the organization will demonstrate, proclaim, and lead towards an abundant filling of these things. Brainstorm, write things down, and compile lists. These will be refined as planning continues to take shape. Additionally, consider the local community the organization is in. Are there other places close by that share enough of the same values that might be able to utilize resources with? E.g. A shared value might be to feed the hungry. If your organization can host a food pantry, great! If not, a local food pantry that is already established would not only help with logistics that your business may get distracted by, but also helps build community relationships as well.

Finally, in the big picture look, consider opportunities and threats. (The O.T. in S.W.O.T. analysis) What are the opportunities in the community and globally? What are the member strengths? What gaps do other organizations have that you might be able to provide for? What might threaten to close the doors? Think of legal and environmental concerns. Taxes, employees, natural disasters, etc.

While moving on to the next stages, get a worksheet out to start getting ideas down for metrics and how to track them. Now it’s time to get more specific by analyzing the current actions with desired actions.